Planning and Starting a Business

Start a Business Planning and Starting a Business

Planning a Business

  • Considerations When Starting a Business - Making the decision to start a business can be frightening and exciting. This article provides some insights into some of the critical decisions you should consider before taking that big step.
  • Mistake - Not Understanding the Pros and Cons of Franchises - Franchising has become a popular way to start and operate a business. Learn some of the risks and benefits of this way of doing business.
  • Buy/Sell Agreements - Many partnerships (and businesses with multiple owners) use buy/sell agreements to address ownership change issues. These agreements can be valuable in case of retirement, business disagreements and death or disability.
  • Professional Business Brokers - If you are considering buying a business or selling yours, you should understand how these individuals can be of assistance. Learn what to look for and what to look out for.
  • Avoiding Common Small Business Start-Up Problems - After an entrepreneur makes the decision to start a business, there are hundreds or thousands of decisions that must be made and actions that must be taken. This article offers some insights into issues that may be faced in the early stages of a business.
  • Working From Home or From an Office - Many small businesses start in a spare room or in a basement and then move to a rented office as they grow. Whether you are considering starting a new business or considering a move, this article highlights some issues to consider.
  • Leasing a Location for Your Business - The right location, with the right amenities at the right price can add to your success. Learn some of the key things to look for when leasing a location.
  • Renting a Business Location Checklist - You business will determine what type of location you need. Here are some factors to consider.

Starting a Business

  • Developing a Business Plan - Having a business plan can make running your business easier. Your advisors, creditors and others will better understand your business after reviewing your plan.
  • Business Plan Guideline A formal business plan can be invaluable. The process of preparing it will force you to focus on the issues that are essential for the success of your business. These guidelines will help.
  • Choosing the Right Legal Form for Your Business - Learn how different types of structures can help you achieve your objectives. This article addresses issues regarding taxation, ownership and managing of your business.
  • Mistake - Choosing the Wrong Legal Advisor - Not all attorneys have the experience or the right attitude to work with small business owners. Learn some of the questions to ask when evaluating an attorney.
  • Mistake - Choosing the Wrong Accountant - The income and estate tax issues facing small businesses and their owners are not always simple. Choosing an advisor that can truly help you and your business is important.